Thursday 10 October 2013

Welcome and add a comment on our new blog


  1. Welcome to this blog site. The site provides a forum where graduate students can interact with their colleagues in a number of issues that are professional in nature. Training in leather science and technology has been neglected in the country for a long time. The University of Nairobi is the second University in SSA to offer traing in leather science and technology at all levels. Opportunities to develop career in leather science and technology are therefore abound. The leather industry development in Kenya is way ahead of training such that skilled manpower is lacking in most leather tanning and manufacturing industries operating in Kenya. The capacity to develop more industries is great as africa has the higest concentration of livestock that produce the required raw materials for the leather industry. This forum will provide opportunities for professional interaction and exchange of views on issues affecting the leather sector. Therefore, you can post a comment, a question or any issue you need clarification within the leather sector and your colleagues can give their views. Welcome.

  2. The first 3 proposal presentations by students of Masters in Leather Science were given on 01.10.2013. The 3 presentations were on
    1. Analysis of tanning strengths of Vegetable extracts used for tanning in Laikipia County by Alex Kuria
    2.Hides and skin defects in in Alpharama tannery by Paul Ramtu
    3. Economic losses due to uncollected hides and skins in wajir county- by Anthony Ngugi

    The quality of the presentation was high and I congratulate the presenters for the good work. I urge them to focus on actual data collection in the next 3 months.
    Mine is to urge the other two students to prepare to present in the next seminar to be held in two weeks.
